Bail Reform Misinformation - Bail Bondsman Need To Step Up

by GennieNickle25633872 posted Apr 09, 2017


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Bail Reform Across the US - Exposing the Dangers of the "Movement" Towards Taxpayer Funded Bail Reform.
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Anthony Sylvester Bail Bondsman
"Who You Gonna Trust"
Their is a strong push for certain far left wing groups that has been trying to gain traction in regards to the topic of bail reform. Every agent has heard the battle cry about unjustly jailing the poor and county jails filled to the brim with innocent men losing everything while they languish in jail awaiting their day in court; however, what is less clear is exactly what the picture would look like in the event money were entirely removed from the picture of the American justice system. What would such a system look like and how would it work?

The answer might surprise you as it would undoubtedly surprise the average American citizen that is being fed a steady stream of misinformation by PTRP (Pre Trial Release Program) groups all over the country. The biggest problem in this fight starts at the very notion of what perception has been painted of each group in this fight. The bonding agent has been painted to the public as a money grubbing opportunist preying on the poor and unsuspecting families of those unlucky enough to find themselves behind bars while the people of pretrial service groups have portrayed themselves as daring freedom fighters struggling against the unstoppable menace that is commercial bail.
This PR campaign is a first step in a carefully orchestrated attack on the bail industry that has to this point been largely successful at smearing the name of the bail bondsman as well as letting bail reform groups choose the time and place of the battle. This has led to a largely defensive effort on the part of the bail industry forcing them to react rather than act to the agenda set forth by bail reform groups.

Jack Nicholson once famously said "who you gonna trust, a guy dressed up like a bat; I’m giving away free money!" And much in the same vein, bail reform groups are touting themselves as modern day Robin Hoods, robbing the rich (the bonding agent) to give to the poor (anyone in jail). Unfortunately, much like Nicholson’s joker the parade of "free" cash hides a nasty surprise.

Their stated goal is to ensure that most people are released through the use of interviews and preset computer algorithms has anyone stopped to ask what happens to those that this vaulted system says are unworthy of "Government Supervised" release? Remember unlike the hybrid system currently used, in bail reforms perfect world there is no money bail at all.

The answer is as insidious as it is simple: being held in detention with no option for release. With that one simple assertion, the entire goal is exposed. The elimination of money bail (bail bonds) is simply a means to an end, and the end in question is control and power. Their true goal is to hold all the cards in the justice system with regards to incarceration. They want absolute authority to hold those they deem undesirable in custody with no road but through them.

Under their dream scenario if one fails under their scoring system they are simply left in jail, no ifs ands or buts. And the truth that any pretrial officer will admit when pressed (if only off the record) is those scoring scales take things like recidivism into account which means, each time you are accused of a crime you’re penalized a little more on their scale, which means eventually people are going to start scoring out with more and more regularity. This means one of two things are going to happen:
1. Either people start getting warehoused at a rate currently much greater than the current system or
2. Standard are relaxed to start letting more and more dangerous offenders out on release to ease overcrowding issues.

There’s a reason that our forefathers made cash bail and the right to bail a guaranteed part of our federal constitution (and most state ones) it was because without it our very liberty would be at stake, with our basic rights subject to the tyranny of a potentially out of control government. Sound familiar? It should because it’s also the reason the 2nd amendment exists. Our founding fathers were worried about our government someday becoming oppressive to the people and they wanted to ensure 2 things:
1. Our right to bear arms
2. Our right to freedom and an impartial means of maintaining said freedom even in the face of Government persecution.

The cash bail system is that means of impartial freedom. It’s not the only tool at the justice system’s disposal and like any system it has its flaws but it’s very existence insures the basic human right to have a 3rd party step up and take responsibility for their brothers and sisters to vouch for their integrity and guarantee that they will remain at the pleasure of the court to be held accountable for the crimes they are accused of.

The masterminds have ingeniously turned the truth on its head by asserting that bail bonds punishes the poor and the poor only by discriminating against them while only those with money run free because the rich are the enemy. By this logic private attorneys should be abolished and everyone should be assigned a public defender because after all, why should money allow one to buy justice? Why isn’t the poor man entitled to Gloria Allred or Johnny Cochran as much as the man who can afford them? Why should they be saddled with a lesser attorney merely because of wealth status? I’ll bet the last dollar in my pocket that inadequate council led to a hell of a lot more convictions than remaining in jail pretrial ever did.

Just as the pied piper led rats through the streets, so too are the American people being blindly led to the ocean to be cast adrift. It is our job and duty so stop the piper before he comes back for the children when the American people are unwilling or unable to pay the price the piper demands. Understand that price will be nothing less than the basic liberties of you or someone you care about.

With the recent "bail reform" debacle in the state of New Jersey fully underway several issues that have been seething below the surface are now finally rising to the top of the bail agents worry list. The most troubling (and most urgent) of these issues is clearly the complete lack of organization on a national level with regards to the bail industries "leadership". That being said we the agents are as much to blame as the current leadership for the state of affairs we now find ourselves in as an industry. We should be demanding more or our leadership.
Identifying and aiding in the bolstering of each state bail association and where there is no state association, forming one and making sure it’s strong enough to confront threats in an active manner as opposed to reactive (the current method).

Take back surety bail one fight at a time, state by state. It isn’t pretty and it’s not going to be easy but it’s what needs to be done. In addition to NJ, both Indiana and Missouri are in shameful shape as two I can name off the top of my head and there is no one trying to help. It will be a bloody battle of attrition but there’s no two ways around that it’s what must happen if we’re going to survive as an industry.
Most crucial is to reach out to other groups that share a common core of values and likeminded interests and form a broader coalition of support. If we can get people and not just bail agents to join our cause it goes a long way toward our credibility and it effectively gets the word out.

Much of the reason we’re losing ground is that no one outside the industry understands what’s happening and we are letting bail reform groups frame the debate to the public and outright lie. The problem is that bail is not common sense and what bail reform groups is selling sounds reasonable on its face if you don’t know any better.


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