I like to take a moment to share my Lord's provision of my salvation, called "double security".

The salvation we received from our Lord is a guaranted eternal life and a permenent protection because all the resources  of God are comitted to their preservation.   Christ promises his personal
protection to us.   The focus is not on the power of the life itself, but on Jesus's power:   no one can
snatch them out of my hand because the ultimate security of Jesus's Sheep rests with our good shepherd.    You see ,when we trust our Savior, we become a member of God's family. Then we learn that we were chosen;    in Christ before the foundation of the world. ( refer Ephesians 1;14 )

We also learn that each saved sinner is the Father's " love gift" to his son (refer John 10;29 )
In the Bible, divine election and human resposibility are perfectly balanced; and what God has joined
together, we must not put asunder.

The security of our salvation is assured in several ways.
1. By definition- we have "eternal life" and that cannot be conditional.
2. This life is a gift, not something that we earn or merit.
If we were not saved by our own good works, but by his grace, then we cannot be lost by our "bad works"  (refer Roman 11;6 )

Our Lord has a relationship to his sheep;;
He has a loving relationship because He died for the sheep.
He has a living  relationship because He cares fot he sheep.
He has a lasting relationship for He keeps His sheep and not a one is lost.

Listen to our Lord saying in John 10;28
" I gave them eternal life, and they shall never perish, no one can snatch them out of my hand."
and listen to Apostle Paul saying in Roman 8;38-39.
"  For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present  nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anythingelse in all creation, will be able to
separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Why are you falsely leading christians to false doctrine of salvation?
I do not belive Canaan Presbyterian  Church is teaching the salvation of the work.
If you want to stick to your belief,   I wish you keep it to yourself !

Our Lord laid down His life on the Cross for me !!!
The work of salvation is based on something deeper than my performance. This precious gift I received from my Lord is lock eternal and no one can snatch away from me.